Ichthyofauna diversity of the Bustamante River, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Priority Land Region for the State
Bustamenta, Nuevo León, Rivers, IchthyofaunaAbstract
The state of Nuevo León is in the northern of México, the Bustamante river is in the portion of northwestern of this state. It is a limited area where rainfall and the water are a vital resource for anthropocentric activities. The preservation of the rivers is very important, and the fish communities are override in this region. The study was conducted in a Priority Terrestrial Region, bordering Coahuila. There is the first study on fishes in this river, that the most of time is a close flood, is a tributary of the Salado River, for this reason, the objective was to know the ichthyofauna, as well as conduct a zoogeographical and ecological analysis, and the presence of exotic and/or invasive species. Individuals were collected using seine net and electrofishing equipment, species were identified and stored in the Scientific Collection of FCB-UANL. As a result, were reported the presence of eight native species, where is represented six families and eight genera. There are two species under a status of protection laws of the country, Cyprinella cf. rutilla (Threatened) probably a new species and spotted minnow, Dionda melanops (Endangered). Zoogeographical affinity presents four Nearctic species and four Neotropical species, and three, smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, Tilapia probably Oreochromis sp. Indet. and Xiphophorus variatus, as exotic species were collected. It is important to continue the surveys due to is possible to find species that important area for conservation.
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