El vampiro común (Desmodus rotundus)
un murciélago con mala reputación
common vampire, Desmodus rotundus, rabies virus, conflict, control, haematophagous batsAbstract
Bats have a bad reputation for being nocturnal animals due to a lack of knowledge about their ecological importance, as they provide ecosystem services that benefit us. The common vampire bat is one such species. It is of phytosanitary importance because it can transmit rabies. Consequently, campaigns are conducted to control vampire bat populations. It is suggested that this strategy, rather than reducing the number of cases, may have increased them. Standardization of data collection is necessary to monitor control campaigns effectively. From 2005 until 2020 and 2022, no human rabies cases had been recorded in the country; however, cases transmitted by dogs, cats, and bats have since occurred. Every species plays a role in the environment; the common vampire bat is no
exception. The availability of livestock and its proximity to the bat’s habitat can lead to a significant increase in bat populations, creating a potential problem.
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