Estudio preliminar sobre el desperdicio de alimentos en la cafetería de la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas.
Food waste, Estimation of waste, Consumption habitsAbstract
This research estimated the waste food generated by a population (1,000 people) of students and teachers from the Faculty of Biological Sciences (FCB) of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL). This waste corresponds to the waste food of fast food and buffet type, which was estimated applying an online questionnaire to the population using the SIASE platform (Comprehensive System for the Administration of Educational Services of the UANL). This allowed to know the characteristic of the consumers (according to their age, purchasing capability and body mass index), their consumption habits, and waste, according to its type and quantity. The results show that 70% of the students have a normal corporal weight (BMI=25), most of them are in the age range between 18 and 28 years, and more than a half spend between 20 and 50 mexican pesos to buy food. These data suggest that the student population has a limited budget to eat at the university, which is consistent with its low frequency of consumption per week (2 or 3 times). This indicates that purchasing capability influences the preference of students for cheap foods such as cookies, bread, chilaquiles, hot dogs, tacos, cakes, cheese fries, and bottled beverages (soft drinks and juices). Regarding teachers, 61% have a BMI >25, spend between $50 and $100 pesos in food and generate a waste of meals as meat, chicken or fish (10%), rice or pasta (10%), salad or vegetables (20%), bread or tortillas (15%) and carbonated drinks (> 20% of their volume). Based on the results of the questionnaire, economic menus ($18.00-$30.00 pesos) were designed based on by-products generated during preparation of meals in order to promote healthier eating habits in the students and to implement a waste reduction strategy; these results were not shown in this research. This preliminary study of estimating food waste outlines some of the factors required to determine in a future research the impact of food waste and to quantify its effect in the economic, social, and environmental fields. Knowledge of this impact could be used as a reference to propose a strategy of reducing food waste.
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