Las radiaciones y el ambiente
Radioecology, ionizing radiation, non-ionizing radiation, Radiation BiologyAbstract
The advent of the nuclear age, coupled with the development of various technologies especially in telecommunications, has led to a generalized increase of different types of radiation in our environment. In addition, the already known decrease in the ozone layer causes such rapid changes in the radiological environment that there are not enough studies to conclusively demonstrate the potential biological risk associated with this radiation. Biological sciences have reached such a degree of specialization that there is a branch of Ecology, the so-called "Radioecology" which deals with the study of the impact of energy caused by different types of radiation in ecosystems. The aim of the current article is to present appropriate information in order to show an overview about the influence of the radiation in the environment. Based on studies compiled from the literature, and research carried out in our laboratory, the consequences of an increased radiation rate in the biosphere are discussed.
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