The amphibians and reptiles of the Northern Selva Lacandona:
Nahá and Metzabok, Ocosingo, Chiapas, México; with some ethnoherpetological notes
Ethnoherpetology, Amphibians, Reptiles, Selva Lacandona, Nahá, MetzabokAbstract
Chiapas harbors significant biological and cultural diversity. The region known as Selva Lacandona is an ideal example to study what is called the “biocultural axiom”. This neotropical region is inhabited by multiple indigenous groups, such as the Tsotziles, Tseltales, Tojolabales, Ch’oles, Kanjobales, Chujes, Mames, Lacandones (Hach Winik), and Zoques. The herpetofaunistic diversity of Chiapas is currently represented by 107 species of amphibians and 223 species of reptiles. In the Selva Lacandona region a total of 35 species of amphibians and 90 reptiles has been documented, with some areas still remaining to be formally explored. Traditionally, the use of natural resources by native indigenous communities has been linked to the selective use of those species that have economical, traditional, and/or magical-religious value. Many of these human groups have a deep traditional knowledge about the environment in which they live, as well as the diversity of plant, fungal, and animal species with which they have coexisted over millennia. The Nahá and Metzabok communities are inhabited by the Maya-Lacandón del Norte culture. The objective of this study is to identify the herpetofaunistic species diversity found within the Flora and Fauna Protection Areas (APFF´s) of Nahá and
Metzabok. Additionally, we analyzed whether the Lacandones from the north have a herpetofaunistic ethnical taxonomic classification system. A total of 67 species that are recognized by the Lacandones were recorded for both APFFs. The Lacandones del Norte classify the herpetofauna into six groups, i.e., Ak (Turtles), Kan (Snakes), Ayim (Crocodiles), Torok (Lizards), Xut (Frogs), and Be’p (Toads). For Metzabok, the three most frequently mentioned species are Bothrops asper, Boa imperator, and Crocodylus moreletii. For Nahá, the three species of most importance are Basiliscus vittatus, Boa imperator, and Kinosternon leucostomum. The differences
lie in the fact that for the Lacandones of Metzabok, the most important animals are those that are represented in their oral narratives, while for the Nahá community; the most important species are those that they usually find on a daily basis when walking along the trails in the jungle.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Iris Melgar-Martínez, Felipe Ruan-Soto, Eduardo Chankin-Chankayun, Elí García-Padilla, Iván Villalobos-Juárez, Vicente Mata-Silva, Eduardo Alexis López-Esquivel, Lydia Allison Fucsko, Mario C. Lavariega, Jerry D. Johnson, David Lazcano, Larry David Wilson

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