Vol. 5 No. 10 (2022): Julio-Diciembre 2022

Five years after the birth of Biology and Society, in April 2017, the commitment of the editorial team of this digital magazine for scientific divulgation has been to promote the social appropriation of knowledge. Respecting this commitment, in this tenth issue of Biology and Society, in the first instance it is disclosed to society, on scientific bases, but in an accessible language, an extremely current and important topic, Monkeypox, with an entertaining narrative but full of information, the authors tell us about the history of this disease, what causes it, its pathogenesis and transmission modes. Likewise, this issue describes how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted street vendors and formal workers from the point of view of health and the economy. In another contribution, the authors tell us about biorefineries and how they should be promoted for the socioeconomic development of rural communities and the protection of native ecosystems. In the same context of social appropriation of knowledge, another contribution details the chemical characteristics, extraction techniques, and the possible application of essential oils of natural origin with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. In another contribution, the author tells us about ocean acidification and some techniques used to evaluate the effects of the calcification process on marine organisms. Finally, we present an article on amphibians and reptiles from the Los Chimalapas region in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in which the authors express the urgency to document the occurrence and distribution of the species and their threats in order to ensure their survival. The work developed through these first 5 years would not be possible without the commitment, effort, and work of the editorial committee, the group of anonymous referees, and the authors of the contributions. Many thanks to each and everyone for the time and effort dedicated to Biology and Society, as well as to promoting the appropriation of knowledge.